So it's bathing suit season and we all want to look good and eat well! So I wanted to share my new figure friendly meal with you!! I above all things love love love the produce aisle and prefer fresh veggies over anything frozen or out of a can. Not that there is anything wrong in my eyes to eat veggies frozen or out of can, which I do from time to time. Plus frozen are just as good as fresh if you buy the right type, and well sorry can is not as nutritionally the same, but I digress. Getting back to what I was saying, I love fresh veggies. So the other night when I was going through my refrigerator I had some zucchini, carrots, and onions. I decided to saute these up for a side dish. Then I also had some ground turkey patties and that is where my meal started. You should try this dish out one night, and you can add a starch if you like but I enjoyed it with just the items below to keep it figure friendly;) I absolutely enjoyed this meal it was so flavorful! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come up with the below recipe but I thought I would share it with you!
Note: I do not use measurements so apply to your liking:)
Parmesan Encrusted Turkey Patties
-Ground turkey hamburger Patties (not all white meat, it's not as flavorful)
-Garlic Salt
-Shredded Parmesan (not the grated, shredded)
Sauteed Zucchini, Carrots, and Onions
-items that are in the name! lol
-olive oil
-garlic salt
-spoon full of water
1) Heat oven to 350. Add garlic salt to the turkey patties, using hands to mix and reform the patties. Have a plate with the shredded parmesan in it and lay the patties in it and flip them to have a nice layer on each side.
2)Place tin foil on a pan and spray with olive oil or cooking spray. Then place patties on pan and into the oven. Cook till the outside is a golden brown.
3)Heat a saute skillet up to medium. While the patties are cooking chop up your onion and zucchini. For the carrot peel off the outside with a potato peeler. Then continue shaving the carrot in the same way to get long thin pieces and then cut the pieces in half.
4)Spray or pour a good amount of olive oil into the pan, not too much though we are not frying them. Toss the veggies into the pan and sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper. Stirring frequently. After they sweat down a bit and there is no liquid in the bottom of the skillet add a spoon full of water, turn the heat down and put a lid on it. After about 5 min take the lid off, turn the heat back to medium and continue to let water cook off. Then cook longer to your tasting.
Okay I hope your enjoy my Figure Friendly Meal idea! Please don't hesitate to share one of your FF Meals, I love hearing and sharing new ideas!