To get on with my main topic. I have been telling people that most of the time when they think they are hungry it's actually because they need hydration. Our brains send out the same signal as when we're hungry so people will normally grab a snack or something, and this is just unneeded extra calories. I don't remember where I picked this info up at, but as I was reading this morning I found something to back it up.
Dr. Oz's Top 5 Mistakes Dieters Make
Mistake No 5:You Don't Drink Enough Water

The next time you feel hungry, take a big, long drink of water and you may not need to eat. Because the hormones in our intestines that tell us we're hungry are very similar to the hormones that let us know we're thirsty, we're not very good at distinguishing hunger from thirst, which is why we typically reach for food when we should be drinking. "Often hunger pangs are just your body screaming for a little extra H20," said Dr. Oz. And when we're not well hydrated, our metabolism drags. "Water is essential for burning calories," said Dr. Oz. "Adults who drink eight-plus glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who drink less."
So there ya go, there is my find to back up my statements! To read the whole Article go to
Well I'm headed to the Water Cooler, hope you all have a great day and drink lots of delicious water!
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