I was IN LOVE!

Mikey came and joined me Friday afternoon. We stayed at the Westin Resort right on the river. It was so relaxing and the views were beautiful! Since we were on the other side of the river they had a ferry boat that would pick you up and take you across to river street. So we took the ferry boat across the river and went to a place called Fiddlers Crab House. This picture pretty much describes how health conscious I was during my trip...

I have trouble remembering to take pictures of my food before I plow right in, so that is why you see some food missing! We split some delicious crab stew, crab cakes, and their fried seafood platter of shrimp and scallops. I really enjoyed the crab stew and I have been craving it ever since! Mikey really liked the crab cakes but didn't really care so much for the seafood platter. He is picky when it comes to his seafood, that's a born and raised Florida boy for you. I on the other hand loved the shrimp from the platter, and the scallops were just okay in my opinion. All in all though I definitely enjoyed it.
When the show was over on Saturday I headed my little happy self up to Statesboro, where I attended College. I had a list of things to do once I got to statesboro...
1) Walk GSU's campus with Mikey
2) Eat my heart out at El Som
3) Go and See my lil Ladies
The GSU Entrance to Sweet Heart Circle ahhhh:)

After our walk we were both so excited to go to El Som, my Heaven on Earth. If you know anything about me, you know that I pretty much lived at El Som in College. They have the best mexican food for the cheapest prices you will ever see, plus the health benefits are amazing!!! (jk) We had 2 meals, 5 ritas, all for under $30! You would see a picture here if I wasn't in such a state of unconscious happiness!! Seriously we could have stayed there for the rest of our time, hmmm lifes, but I needed to go see my lil ladies!!
Who are my lil ladies?? These are the girls that I baby sat for in College, they did not like me to use the term babysit and preferred to be called lil ladies. So I lil lady sat for them pretty much every friday, until my last semester when I moved in with them so I wouldn't have to sign a 12 month lease. Yes the apts in Statesboro like to rope you in for 12 months, ugh so annoying. Anyways so Mikey and I went and kept the girls and let Joy (their mom) have the night off. We had sooooo much fun with them. There are 3 of them- Holly (12), Heidi (9), and Haven(6). They are some of the most wittiest and smart girls I have met. We just cracked up at them the whole time! I always love watching Mikey interact with them, he is going to be such an amazing dad one day.
They love Mikey, wherever he went they were not far behind.

If I could have I would have packed them up in my suitcase and brought them home with me! Maybe next time;)
I really enjoyed my time and I definitely fell off my healthy eating bandwagon. Can you blame me though!? lol Now back to reality!!!
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