Friday, September 17, 2010

Product Review!

Good morning! I wanted to share with you one of my favorite new snacks! It's not a new product just a new fascination to me. I'm sure you have all heard of Stacy's! They have tasty pita chips and bagel chips! What you might not know is how the whole concept started. Stacy is an actual person who started out by selling fresh pita sandwiches out of a cart in Boston. She ended up becoming so popular that people would be lined up down the block for her sandwiches. Then she came up with the idea to give them something to munch on by baking up pita chips for them, and the rest is history!

These products are all natural, 0 grams of trans fat, and are more filling and healthier than potato chips! A win win if you ask me! Below is my two favorite picks from the line!

Check out their website- Enjoy!

Friday, September 10, 2010

MY 26th B-day!!

AHHHHHH!!!???? Why oh why must I keep getting older!?? haha. Anyways here is to a late B-day post! Just wanted to give you a quick post with some snapshots of my Day! We had my party the night before my b-day so that I could bring it in at 12am!

About to blow out my candles!!

YUMMM! Big thanks to my sister for providing the cake!


Best way to enjoy your cake!

My actual B-day Dinner! Grilled out at Mikey's sister's house. London Broil, Salmon, Scallops,Zucchini, and a Baked potato! YUM!

My cute dinner date:)

I had a great B-day, I'm a blessed lady!